Adventures of Ling

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Half of 2020

I told myself that I wouldn’t procrastinate with writing…. maybe I commit to once a month. :) When life presents so many wonderful opportunities, I learned to just live in the moment, indulge every minute of it, and let it sink in.

It’s insane that half of the year is already complete and only six more left to go! This path month has been so eventful and productive that it just flew by like no other. I made it through my first Ramadan! it’s interesting how you can train your mind and body to do things that you couldn’t see yourself doing, it really is mind over matter and any thing is possible. I’m ready for new splash of color, maybe stick to the blues but another shade?

I’m still thriving — seeking and grasping onto opportunities to learn. I LOVE LEARNING, especially when it can help relieve stress and boost morale all over. I self-taught (with trial & error of course) to turn a simple program into something that will help the entire department. *feeling accomplished* Always determine to work smarter not harder.

Through this COVID-19, there is so many lives being impacted Now, the world has gone mad with protesting, rioting and looting all over the community because of racism — cries for help and feelings of hurt. Being a minority, I can relate but I will never fully understand how it feels to be discriminated because of my skin color. Hopefully, one day… we see people as “people” and not by their ethic background.

On the upside, the meeting with D was everything and more. It felt so easy, riding on the same wave length from the moon and back since day 1. Letting go and being open felt so organic and surreal (lemme catch my breath). ;) Having no expectations is honestly the best expectation I have yet to experienced. Timing is everything and so far, everything felt right. #4EverVibingwithU The universe has strange ways of working things out, sometimes you just have to trust the process.


[Currently listening to Coffin- Jessie Reyez}